Well Street Common Friends

WSCF is a community group of local residents and park users who appreciate and love their South Hackney common. 

We liaise regularly with Hackney Borough Council who manage the common. As a group, we meet regularly to share our views on all matters concerning the Common and to organise events and activities including the annual Well Street Common Festival. Anyone can become a member,  join us! 

Email us for information info@wellstreetcommon.org or come along to our next meeting to find out more.

  • How We Work

    We are a constituted group made up of volunteer members. The group is run by a volunteer committee headed up by four officers: the chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer.

    The officers and committee members are elected every year at an AGM. Officers can hold their position for up to three years before they stand down and let someone else have a go.

    We also have various subcommittees that manage different elements of common matters.

    You can download our full constitution and current committee here.

    The committee:

    Chair: Fiona McAusian
    Secretary: Isabel Lizardi
    Treasurer: Ben Gearing

    Committee members:
    Genevieve Larkin
    Kay Richardson
    Mary Julian
    Niul Dillon Hatcher
    Sandy Bowers

  • Hackney User Groups

    Well Street Common Friends is a user group. Almost all the parks and green spaces in Hackney have a user group.

    User groups provide a useful link between the community and the council officers responsible for parks. Members of the community can have their say on how the common is managed and maintained and the Area Park Managers can discuss any plans or problems directly with local people. All the User Groups are members of Hackney Parks Forum, which meets bimonthly.

    Read Hackney Borough Council’s information about the common here.